City Travel Tip #1252

The Esplanade Theatres on The Bay – Things you can do at the Esplanade


Along the Singapore riverfront is a building with a distinctive shape. Resembling two halves of a durian (a local thorned fruit) is The Esplanade – a performing arts centre.

Here is where you can enjoy arts performances, both ticketed as well as free. Festivals of themed shows are held at The Esplanade around the year. For instance, a popular music festival, Baybeats, is held annually – highlighting the best of local alternative music in Singapore.

Located behind The Esplanade is Makansutra Gluttons Bay, which offers open air dining. It is a small hawker centre, but it features some of the favourite street food available in Singapore. Each stall was handpicked by Makansutra, a local food guidebook. Among the dishes available are – oyster omelette and satay.

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