City Travel Tip #1442

Nancy’s Kitchen – homemade, authentic Peranakan food in Melaka

Photo: Jumpstory

Melaka is well known for its Peranakan culture and history. A big part of culture is definitely food. When I visit Melaka, a restaurant that I like to eat at is Nancy’s Kitchen.

Nancy’s Kitchen is consistently rated by food bloggers as one of the best places to sample Peranakan food in Melaka. The food is prepared by Chef Nancy herself, whose recipes have been passed down through her family. There are no preservatives used, as the dishes are freshly prepared upon order. Hence, the food is as good as home cooking. The restaurant itself is housed in a quaint shophouse. You can also buy traditional Peranakan kuih (sweet treats) to bring back.

My favourite dish to order at Nancy’s Kitchen is the Telur Cincaluk (Fried Omelette with Fermented Shrimp). The fermented shrimp is salty and gives the fried omelette a boost of umami flavour. It is delicious with plain white rice. Another favourite is the Kari Nyonya (Peranakan Curry Chicken). Peranakan curry chicken is not at all spicy, due to its blend of spices and rich coconut milk.

Fortunately, Nancy’s Kitchen has survived the COVID-19 pandemic and Melaka’s drop in tourism, although the operation hours have been adjusted. Hence do visit the official website for the latest opening hours before heading to Nancy’s Kitchen, if you are visiting Melaka.

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GeorgianaJanuary 10, 20220 comments