City Travel Tip #1351

The Tower of London – A visit in History


A visit to London does not dispense with knowing one of the most emblematic historical icons: The Tower of London. The bloody history of the Tower of London is something this fortress cannot escape with so many legends surrounding the prisoners, the dead, ghosts, and crows. It is true that it functioned as a prison until World War II. Heads indeed rolled in the courtyards. Over a hundred prisoners were certainly executed over nine centuries. However, this medieval building, listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, was originally intended to serve as the city’s fortress with a keep worthy of being inhabited by the king.

Over its more than 900 years, it has played an incomparable role in the history of the English nation. Controlling the Tower of London meant controlling the entire country, so it was in the spotlight of all who dared to conquer or dreamed of conquering England.

The tour guided by the iconic guards will reveal the various versions of the hair-raising stories and demystify some myths and legends as you see the Crown Jewels and the armory

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